At Sacred Heart Nursery and Primary School Apapa, we boast of having the best Nursery School you could think of. The Nursery Section consists of Creche, Toddler One and Two, and Nursery One and Two.
We organize our Creche to impart in the children literacy, numeracy and social awareness in order to get them ready for the Toddler.

In the Toddler, we structure our curriculum to enable the children acquire literacy, phonics, numeracy and cultural knowledge through thorough and entertaining practical exercises carried out by the pupils themselves, with the supervision of our professional teachers, using several learning materials. This is aimed at helping the children learn using the five senses and transit smoothly to the Nursery classes.

In the Nursery, we implement the Nigerian Nursery School Curriculum designed to enable the children acquire literacy, phonics, numeracy and cultural knowledge. We augment the classroom experience with compulsory take home assignments.